The Healing Power of Forgiveness!

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

In my last message in my Virtuous Woman Shining Light Facebook group, I talked about the Healing Power of Forgiveness, and how it benefits you.

We left off with prayer, and I want to continue on why it is so important for us to pray, and how that helps us to forgive.

As we forgive, we must remember to do it freely, without expecting anything in return. Far too many times when we forgive someone who may have hurt us, we expect for them to either apologize, or we are expecting some type of reaction in return, even if it’s a desired emotion you anticipated.

True forgiveness does not expect anything in return!

Just like true love that we expressed towards others. It is freely given, and never forced or bribed. As we freely love and forgive, we should not expect to receive anything as a repayment for our efforts, love, kindness, or actions.

Our Love, Kindnesses, and Forgiveness should come from the goodness of our heart. We should forgive without expecting anything in return, and in order to accomplish that, we need help from the Lord.

True Love Comes From the Heart Freely Given!

Remember that All things are possible to accomplish for those who place their Trust in Jesus.

Our help comes through our Faith rooted in Jesus Christ, and what He has done for all humanity at the Cross.

Jesus is waiting for you!

And understanding that prayer is the key to connect us to Him, will open up the door of communication with Our Father in Heaven.

So we’re going to discuss how the Power of Prayer can help in the healing process of our hearts.

First, we must understand that prayer communicates our request unto the Lord, and the Bible reminds us that God hears us. He’s not up there ignoring or rejecting our prayers and request.

Abide in Him!

So if we abide in Jesus Christ and what it says in His Word, which is the Holy Bible, then whatever we ask (according to His Will), He is Faithful to answer.

But we must make sure that we are inquiring about His will in the situation, and not ours. We can not be outside the Will of God, and make request that are contrary to the Word of God, and think that God will be obligated to answer.

It doesn’t work like that!!!

Let’s look at…

Jeremiah 29:11

God knows what is best for us! He already knows the outcome, and He knows the heart of all people. Even moreso, He knows your heart and mine as well.

So when we humble ourselves and take ourselves out of the equation, and think about what God wants for us to do… It allows for God to work inside of our heart, clean it out, and make room for Jesus. This is how the Healing Process Begins!

In return, it allows for God to heal our hearts, from the root cause. Which is the only way, to truly take away, all the pain and hurt that caused it all in the first place.

True Healing comes from God, and God starts from within. But… you have to freely open your heart to receive the blessing that comes from the Healing.

One of my favorite scripture that comes to mind is…

Proverbs 3:5-6

It helps to remind me that although I may not understand fully why things are happening the way that they are. To Remember to place my Trust in One, who does know. The One who can help me along every step of the way. I remember that I’m not alone, and God is with me. Immanuel!!!

God knows what is best for us, and He knows our future. He is not surprised by our mistakes, pitfalls, or the obstacles that come our way.

God already laid out the plan to rescue you! His arms are already wide opened to comfort you! Your life is not an accident, mistake, nor a coincidence.

You reading this study/post/blog was not by mistake, but by a divine purpose that was orchestrated by God.

We the people, are His vessels that He uses. The Healing Power and even the Divine Words of Encouragement that you receive, are coming directly from God. So to God Be All the Glory!

God’s plan is not to hurt you in any way! Any guardrails that He allows for you, or any delays are to protect you because He loves you!

Yes, God wants for you to be prosperous, but not only in finances. It’s more important to be spiritually wealthy. Without the riches in God’s Love, we are spiritually dead, and of no use.

Do Not Become Defeated! We can Overcome All Things, because of JESUS!!!

We can not further the Kingdom of God, or be the Blessing that God has called us to be without being Spiritually Filled and Spiritually Rich.

Jesus loves you so much that He gave His life up, on the Cross of Calvary, so that you may have Eternal Life.

He feels your hurt and pain, and wants to help you through it. But you must open up your heart and allow Him in.

Open Your Heart!

God has not forgotten your prayers and does not shoved them in a dusty book somewhere on a shelf to be read later. The Lord hears your prayers and knows your needs. He hears your cries! He knows your worries, troubles, and fears, and He wants to help you! But you must let down your guard and Trust Him.

Remember that un-forgiveness hinders our prayers, and it is what the enemy uses against us, to keep us in that dark pool of sorrow.

So don’t give up! Don’t lose hope! Continue to fight that Good Fight of Faith!!! We kick the devil where it hurts, when we do the opposite of what the enemy expects us to do.

The last thing the enemy wants for us to do is forgive. Having un-forgiveness in our hearts robs us of our joy, peace, hope, love, and happiness. It hurts us more than we think, and hinders our walk with God and even with others.

So how do we start the Healing Process???

Start to Forgive!!!

Do Not allow for the devil to steal your Joy, Peace, Love, Hope, or Happiness.

Forgive and Choose to Love!!!

Give Your Burdens to God!

Jeremiah 33:3 says “Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

And it continues in Isaiah 65:24, “It shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.”

God Hears Your Prayers!!!

He is there for you, and He will Never leave you, Nor forsake you!

See Deuteronomy 31:6.

So make your requests known to God. Share your heart, pain, and joy with Him. He’s there for you, and He’s listening.

He is there ready to Heal Your Heart Today!!!

Reach Out to God, and Receive Your Healing!!!

Spending Time in the Bible, along with Prayer Time, and Trusting God will help speed up the Healing Process.

Let’s end in prayer…

Dear Heavenly Father God,

We come before you today, and ask for you to heal our hearts in every way. Remove any and all unforgiveness that may be hidden within.

We asked you to help us to see things through your eyes, and help to guide and direct our steps in the way that we should go. Please help us to live our life in a manner and in a way that is pleasing to you. And help us to shine our light, bringing glory to your son, Jesus.

Help us not to treat others in the malicious way that they may treat us, but to help us to treat others the way that you would want for us to treat them, following in the footsteps of your son Jesus.

We say No to our will, and YES to Yours. We ask you to Renew our minds and hearts, and direct our steps in this Healing Process. Help us Lord to regain that new life strength, through Christ Jesus to move forward.

We Thank You Lord, and give you All the Praise, and All Honor, and All the Glory. In Jesus name… Amen!

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Be Encouraged & God Bless!

Maldonado Life Ministries
Virtuous Woman Shining Light

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